His Holiness met with the first group of mentors of the 1000 Church Teachers project


On Sunday, June 27, His Holiness met with the first group of mentors of the 1000 Church Teachers project for the concluding lecture of their forum in the Logos Center of the Papal Residence at St. Bishoy Monastery - Wadi El-Natrun, Egypt. His Holiness also officiated the divine Liturgy, concluding the forum, in the Church of Transfiguration of the Logos Center on Monday, June 28.



The forum began on Thursday, June 24, which included 73 priests and servants from 23 dioceses of individuals who have excelled in His Holiness’ initiative of “‘Renew our days as of old’… The Church’s Heritage is Spirit and Life” to develop ecclesiastical education by training 1000 church teachers.