His Holiness received the following fathers at the Papal Residence in St. Mark’s Cathedral
Today, His Holiness received the following fathers at the Papal Residence in St. Mark’s Cathedral, Abbasiyya - Cairo:
+ Bishop Makari, General Bishop for the Churches of South Shoubra - Cairo, Egypt, who presented to His Holiness a copy of His Grace’s MS dissertation in liturgical history titled “The Ecclesiastical and Liturgical Readings During the Holy Great Lent in Sahidic and Bohairic Manuscripts”
Today, His Holiness received the following fathers at the Papal Residence in St. Mark’s Cathedral, Abbasiyya - Cairo:
+ Bishop Makari, General Bishop for the Churches of South Shoubra - Cairo, Egypt, who presented to His Holiness a copy of His Grace’s MS dissertation in liturgical history titled “The Ecclesiastical and Liturgical Readings During the Holy Great Lent in Sahidic and Bohairic Manuscripts”
+ Bishop Rewis, General Bishop for the Churches of the East Asia Region
+ Bishop Mikhail, General Bishop for the Churches of Hadayek Al-Kobba - Cairo, Egypt, and the Director of the Clerical College - Cairo, Egypt. Accompanied His Grace, Said Hakeem PhD., the director for higher learning in the college