His Holiness received the following fathers at the Papal Residence in St. Mark’s Cathedral


Today, His Holiness received the following fathers at the Papal Residence in St. Mark’s Cathedral, Abbasiyya - Cairo:



+ Bishop Makari, General Bishop for the Churches of South Shoubra - Cairo, Egypt, who presented to His Holiness a copy of His Grace’s MS dissertation in liturgical history titled “The Ecclesiastical and Liturgical Readings During the Holy Great Lent in Sahidic and Bohairic Manuscripts”



+ Bishop Rewis, General Bishop for the Churches of the East Asia Region



+ Bishop Mikhail, General Bishop for the Churches of Hadayek Al-Kobba - Cairo, Egypt, and the Director of the Clerical College - Cairo, Egypt. Accompanied His Grace, Said Hakeem PhD., the director for higher learning in the college