His Holiness attended a celebration for the Feast of the Holy Family’s Entry to Egypt
His Holiness attended a celebration for the Feast of the Holy Family’s Entry to Egypt that was organized by the Institute of Coptic Studies in collaboration with the Zagazig University in St. Rewis Theater as part of multiple events that aim to revive the path taken by the Holy Family in Egypt as a global tourist path that is recognized by the Egyptian government.
Attended the celebration: Dr. Khaled El-Enany, Minister of Tourism & Antiquities; Dr. Ali Al-Mesilahi, Minister of Supply & Internal Trade; Nabila Makram, Minister of Immigration & Egyptian Expatriates; Dr. Ashraf Sobhy, Minister of Youth & Sports; Khaled Abdel-Aal, Governor of Cairo; Dr. Kamal Sharobim, the Secretary-General of the Specialized National Councils; Dr. Phoebe Fawzy, Deputy to Speaker of the Senate; a number of members of the Egyptian Senate and Parliament; Prof. Dr. Osman Shaalan, the President of Zagazig University; Prof Dr. Maged Negm, President of Helwan University; and a ...
His Holiness attended a celebration for the Feast of the Holy Family’s Entry to Egypt that was organized by the Institute of Coptic Studies in collaboration with the Zagazig University in St. Rewis Theater as part of multiple events that aim to revive the path taken by the Holy Family in Egypt as a global tourist path that is recognized by the Egyptian government.
Attended the celebration: Dr. Khaled El-Enany, Minister of Tourism & Antiquities; Dr. Ali Al-Mesilahi, Minister of Supply & Internal Trade; Nabila Makram, Minister of Immigration & Egyptian Expatriates; Dr. Ashraf Sobhy, Minister of Youth & Sports; Khaled Abdel-Aal, Governor of Cairo; Dr. Kamal Sharobim, the Secretary-General of the Specialized National Councils; Dr. Phoebe Fawzy, Deputy to Speaker of the Senate; a number of members of the Egyptian Senate and Parliament; Prof. Dr. Osman Shaalan, the President of Zagazig University; Prof Dr. Maged Negm, President of Helwan University; and a number of Egyptian universities’ representations, public figures, and Church bishops.
His Holiness concluded the celebration with a word concerning the coming of the Holy Family to Egypt, being a bright page in our history, giving appreciation to the Egyptian government, led by President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, and all ministries and concerned agencies for all their efforts in reviving the path of the Holy Family.